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Intro to Data Types || Excel VBA Master Class || 3.4a
Note: This webpage is designed to accompany the Youtube video posted above. The video offers detailed explanation on all topics; while this webpage will serve as a repository for the code presented in the video. Source code will be presented in the order of the sections within the video.
Overview of Data Types
Data Types, Values, Literals, Variables
Sub ValueTheory()
Dim myName As String
myName = "John Doe"
End Sub
Sub ValueTheory01()
Dim myName As String
myName = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
End Sub
Sub ValueTheory02()
Dim firstName As String, lastName As String, myName As String
firstName = "John"
lastName = "Doe"
myName = firstName & " " & lastName
End Sub
Sub ValueTheory03()
Dim myName As String
myName = GetName()
End Sub
Function GetName() As String
GetName = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
End Function
Checking Types
Sub CheckingTypes()
Dim i As Long
Debug.Print TypeName(i)
End Sub
Sub CheckingTypes()
Dim productId As Variant
productId = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
If VarType(productId) = vbEmpty Then
Debug.Print "No Product Id present"
End If
End Sub
Sub RunTest()
Call ClearCells(Sheet1.Range("A1:A3"))
End Sub
Sub RunTest()
Call ClearCells(Sheet1)
End Sub
Sub ClearCells(area As Object)
If TypeOf area Is Range Then
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = area
End If
If TypeOf area Is Worksheet Then
Dim sh As Worksheet
Set sh = area
End If
End Sub
Type Conversion
Sub ImplicitConversions()
Dim i As Integer
Dim b As Byte
b = 200
i = b
End Sub
Sub ImplicitConversions()
Dim d As Double
Dim b As Byte
d = 22.2
b = d
Debug.Print b
End Sub
Sub ExplicitConversions()
Dim i As Long
Dim str As String
i = 1
str = "100"
Debug.Print CLng(str) + i
End Sub
Sub ExplicitConversions()
Dim num1 As Long, num2 As Long
num1 = 10
num2 = 3
Debug.Print CLng(num1 / num2)
End Sub
Sub ExplicitConversions()
Dim i As Long
Dim str As String
i = 1
str = "100"
Debug.Print str + CStr(i)
End Sub
Sub ExplicitConversions()
Dim strDate As String
strDate = "31 Jan 2025"
Debug.Print CDate(strDate)
End Sub
Default Values
Sub DefaultValues_Numerical()
Dim i As Long
If i = 0 Then
Debug.Print "The Variable i still has it's default value."
End If
End Sub
Sub DefaultValues_Boolean()
Dim bool As Boolean
If bool = False Then
Debug.Print "The Variable bool still has it's default value."
End If
End Sub
Sub DefaultValues_String()
Dim str As String
If str = "" Then
Debug.Print "The Variable str still has it's default value."
End If
End Sub
Sub DefaultValues_Empty()
Dim productId As Variant
productId = Sheet1.Range("A1").Value
If IsEmpty(productId) = True Then
Debug.Print "No productId present"
End If
End Sub
Sub DefaultValues_Empty()
Dim productId As Variant
productId = Sheet1.Range("A1").Value
Debug.Print productId
productId = Empty
If IsEmpty(productId) = True Then
Debug.Print "No productId present"
End If
End Sub
Sub DefaultValues_Empty()
Dim productId As Variant
productId = ""
Debug.Print TypeName(productId)
productId = Empty
Debug.Print TypeName(productId)
End Sub
Sub DefaultValues_Nothing()
Dim rng As Range
If rng Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "The rng variable has a value of Nothing."
End If
End Sub
Sub NULL_Value()
Dim rangeFont As Variant
rangeFont = Sheet1.Range("A1:A3").Font.Name
Debug.Print IsNull(rangeFont)
End Sub