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Working with Dates || Excel VBA Master Class || 3.4e
Note: This webpage is designed to accompany the Youtube video posted above. The video offers detailed explanation on all topics; while this webpage will serve as a repository for the code presented in the video. Source code will be presented in the order of the sections within the video.
Sub DateTypeTutorial()
Dim dt As Date
'Current Date
dt = VBA.Date
'Current Date & Time
dt = VBA.Now
'Current Time
dt = VBA.Time
'Hard Code
dt = #1/31/2025#
End Sub
Sub DateTypeTutorial()
' Convert to a Whole Number
Dim dt As Date
dt = #1/31/2025#
Dim db As Double
db = dt
Debug.Print db
' Or, Simply
Debug.Print CDbl(dt)
End Sub
Sub DateTypeTutorial()
' Extract Date Component from Date Time
Dim dt As Date
dt = #1/31/2025 11:00:00 PM#
Debug.Print Int(dt)
'Or we can use the DateValue Function
Debug.Print DateValue(dt)
End Sub
Sub DateTypeTutorial()
' Valid Formats
Dim dt As Date
dt = "31-01-2025"
dt = "January, 31 2025"
' Invalid Formats
dt = "20250131"
End Sub
Date Serial
Sub DateTypeTutorial()
Dim dt As Date
' dt = "20250131"
dt = DateSerial(2025, 1, 31)
Debug.Print dt
End Sub
Sub DateTypeTutorial()
Dim strDate As String
strDate = "20250131"
Dim strYear As String, strMonth As String, strDay As String
strYear = Left(strDate, 4)
strMonth = Mid(strDate, 5, 2)
strDay = Right(strDate, 2)
Dim dt As Date
dt = DateSerial(CInt(strYear), CInt(strMonth), CInt(strDay))
Debug.Print dt
End Sub
Sub DateTypeTutorial()
Dim dt As Date
dt = DateSerial(2025, 1, 31) + TimeSerial(10, 10, 10)
Debug.Print dt
End Sub
Date Part
Sub DateTypeTutorial()
Dim dt As Date
dt = #1/31/2025#
Debug.Print DatePart("yyyy", dt)
End Sub
Date Add & Diff
Sub DateTypeTutorial()
Dim dt As Date
dt = #1/31/2025#
'Debug.Print DateAdd("yyyy", 1, dt)
Debug.Print DateAdd("yyyy", -1, dt)
End Sub
Sub DateTypeTutorial()
Dim dt1 As Date, dt2 As Date
dt1 = "01-04-25"
dt2 = "01-08-25"
'Debug.Print DateDiff("m", dt1, dt2)
Debug.Print DateDiff("m", dt2, dt1)
End Sub
Sub DateTypeTutorial()
Dim dt As Date
dt = "31-01-2025"
'Debug.Print Weekday(dt)
'Debug.Print Weekday(dt, vbMonday)
'Debug.Print WeekdayName(Weekday(dt, vbMonday))
Debug.Print MonthName(DatePart("m", dt))
End Sub
Sub DateTypeTutorial()
Dim dt As Date
dt = "31-01-2025"
Dim strMonth As String
strMonth = Left(MonthName(DatePart("m", dt)), 3)
Dim strYear As String
strYear = Right(CStr(DatePart("yyyy", dt)), 2)
Debug.Print strMonth & "-" & strYear
End Sub
Sub DateTypeTutorial()
Dim dt As Date
dt = "31-01-2025"
Debug.Print Format(dt, "MMM-yy")
End Sub
Is Date?
Sub DateTypeTutorial()
Dim strDate As String
'dt = "31-01-2025"
strDate = "31-01-2025"
If IsDate(strDate) = True Then Debug.Print Format(strDate, "MMM-yy")
End Sub