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Working with Strings || Excel VBA Master Class || 3.4d
Note: This webpage is designed to accompany the Youtube video posted above. The video offers detailed explanation on all topics; while this webpage will serve as a repository for the code presented in the video. Source code will be presented in the order of the sections within the video.
String Characters
Sub StringExamples()
Debug.Print “Welcome. This is the VBA Master Class.”
' Concatenate
Debug.Print “Welcome. “ & “This is the VBA Master Class.”
' Add Double Quote with a Character Code
Debug.Print “Welcome. This is the “ & Chr(34) & “VBA Master Class” & Chr(34) & “.”
' Add Double Quotes Straightaway
Debug.Print “Welcome. This is the “”VBA Master Class””.”
' Add Carriage Return and Line Feed
Debug.Print "Welcome." & vbCrLf & "This is the VBA Master Class."
MsgBox "Welcome." & vbNewLine & "This is the VBA Master Class."
End Sub
String Types
Sub StringDataTypes()
' Fixed Length
Dim strGreeting as String * 20
strGreeting = “Welcome”
Debug.Print “””” & strGreeting & “”””
End Sub
Sub StringDataTypes()
Dim strGreeting As String
strGreeting = "Welcome"
Debug.Print """" & strGreeting & """"
End Sub
Empty String
Sub EmptyString()
Dim employeeFirstName as String
Debug.Print Len(employeeFirstName)
End Sub
Sub CheckContactDetails()
Dim emailId As String
emailId = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Form").Range("B4").Value
If emailId = "" Then
' If Len(emailId) = 0 Then
' If emailId = vbNullString Then
MsgBox "Please populate an Email Address."
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub Concatenation()
Debug.Print “Welcome. ” & “ This is the VBA Master Class.”
End Sub
Sub StringExamples()
Debug.Print “Welcome. ” + “ This is the VBA Master Class.”
End Sub
Sub StringExamples()
Debug.Print “Welcome. ” + “ This is the VBA Master Class No.” + Cstr(3.4)
End Sub
Manipulate Strings
Option Explicit
Const EmployeeID As String = "Emp-00131-TAB"
Sub ReadEmployeeId()
Dim firstHyphen As Long
firstHyphen = InStr(EmployeeID, "-")
Dim startPos As Long
startPos = firstHyphen + 1
Dim secondHyphen As Long
secondHyphen = InStrRev(EmployeeID, "-")
Dim strLength As Long
strLength = secondHyphen - startPos
Dim employeeNumber As String
employeeNumber = Mid(EmployeeID, startPos, strLength)
Debug.Print employeeNumber
End Sub
Const EmployeeID As String = "Emp-31-TAB"
Sub ReadEmployeeId()
Dim employeeNumber As String
Dim employeeSplit() As String
employeeSplit = Split(EmployeeID, "-")
employeeNumber = employeeSplit(1)
Dim lenExtractString As Long, lenDesiredString As Long, lenToPad As Long
Dim paddedZeros As String
lenExtractString = Len(employeeNumber)
lenDesiredString = 5
lenToPad = lenDesiredString - lenExtractString
paddedZeros = String(lenToPad, "0")
employeeNumber = paddedZeros + employeeNumber
Debug.Print employeeNumber
End Sub
Const EmployeeID As String = " 00131"
Sub ReadEmployeeId()
Dim employeeNumber As String
employeeNumber = LTrim(EmployeeID)
Debug.Print """" + employeeNumber + """"
End Sub
Const EmployeeID As String = " 00131 "
Sub ReadEmployeeId()
Dim employeeNumber As String
employeeNumber = Trim(EmployeeID)
Debug.Print """" + employeeNumber + """"
End Sub
Const EmployeeID As String = "0 0 1 3 1"
Sub ReadEmployeeId()
Dim employeeNumber As String
employeeNumber = Replace(EmployeeID, " ", "")
Debug.Print """" + employeeNumber + """"
End Sub
Const EmployeeName = "john doe"
Sub ReadEmployeeName()
Debug.Print StrConv(EmployeeName, vbProperCase)
End Sub
String Comparison
Sub StringComparison()
If "John" = "john" Then
Debug.Print "Both names are same."
Debug.Print "Both names are different."
End If
End Sub
Sub StringComparison()
Debug.Print StrComp("John", "john", vbTextCompare)
End Sub
Sub StringComparison()
Debug.Print ("John" Like "J*")
Debug.Print ("[email protected]" Like "*@*.com")
End Sub
Const folderName As String = "C:\Youtube\Current\VBA_Masterclass\Demo\"
Const fileName As String = "TestFile.doc"
Sub StringComparison()
If fileName Like "*.xl*" Then
Workbooks.Open (folderName + fileName)
End If
End Sub
Const Grade As String = "G"
Sub StringComparison()
If Grade Like "[ABCD]" Then
Debug.Print "Passed"
Debug.Print "Failed"
End If
End Sub
Const Grade As String = "A"
Sub StringComparison()
' Continuous Range
If Grade Like "[A-D]" Then
Debug.Print "Passed"
Debug.Print "Failed"
End If
End Sub
Formatting Strings
Const StartDate As Date = #1/31/2025#
Sub UsingFormat()
Debug.Print Format(StartDate, "dd-MMM-YY")
End Sub
Sub UsingFormat()
Debug.Print Format(45.5, "Currency")
Debug.Print Format(45.5, "$#.#0")
End Sub