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Object Variables || Excel VBA Master Class || 3.3
Note: This webpage is designed to accompany the Youtube video posted above. The video offers detailed explanation on all topics; while this webpage will serve as a repository for the code presented in the video. Source code will be presented in the order of the sections within the video.
Data Types
Sub PrintCellValue_String()
Dim strCustomerId As String
strCustomerId = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B2").Value
Debug.Print strCustomerId
End Sub
Sub PrintCellValue_Range()
Dim rngCustomerId As Range
Set rngCustomerId = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B2")
Debug.Print rngCustomerId
End Sub
Sub PrintCellValue_Range_String()
Dim strCustomerId As String
Dim rngCustomerId As Range
Set rngCustomerId = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B2")
strCustomerId = rngCustomerId.Value
Debug.Print strCustomerId
End Sub
Creating Object Variables
Sub RegisterMarks()
Dim wsInput As Worksheet, wsOutput As Worksheet
Set wsInput = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Input")
Set wsOutput = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Output")
wsOutput.Rows("2:" & wsOutput.Rows.Count).ClearContents
With wsOutput
.Range("A2").Value = wsInput.Range("D2").Value
.Range("B2").Value = wsInput.Range("D3").Value
.Range("C2").Value = wsInput.Range("D4").Value
.Range("D2").Value = wsInput.Range("D5").Value
.Range("E2").Value = wsInput.Range("A8").Value
.Range("F2").Value = wsInput.Range("B8").Value
.Range("G2").Value = wsInput.Range("C8").Value
.Range("H2").Value = wsInput.Range("D8").Value
End With
End Sub
Referencing Worksheets
Sub RegisterMarks_NewWorksheet()
Dim wsInput As Worksheet
Set wsInput = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Input")
Dim wsOutput As Worksheet
Set wsOutput = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
wsOutput.Name = "New Output"
With wsOutput
.Range("A1").Value = wsInput.Range("D2").Value
.Range("B1").Value = wsInput.Range("D3").Value
.Range("C1").Value = wsInput.Range("D4").Value
.Range("D1").Value = wsInput.Range("D5").Value
.Range("E1").Value = wsInput.Range("A8").Value
.Range("F1").Value = wsInput.Range("B8").Value
.Range("G1").Value = wsInput.Range("C8").Value
.Range("H1").Value = wsInput.Range("D8").Value
End With
End Sub
Referencing Workbooks
Sub RegisterMarks_NewWorkbook()
Dim wsInput As Worksheet
Set wsInput = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Input")
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = Workbooks.Add
With wb.Sheets("Sheet1")
.Range("A1").Value = wsInput.Range("D2").Value
.Range("B1").Value = wsInput.Range("D3").Value
.Range("C1").Value = wsInput.Range("D4").Value
.Range("D1").Value = wsInput.Range("D5").Value
.Range("E1").Value = wsInput.Range("A8").Value
.Range("F1").Value = wsInput.Range("B8").Value
.Range("G1").Value = wsInput.Range("C8").Value
.Range("H1").Value = wsInput.Range("D8").Value
End With
wb.SaveAs "C:\Youtube\Current\VBA_Masterclass\Demo\Marks.xlsx"
wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub
Sub RegisterMarks_OpenWorkbook()
Dim wsInput As Worksheet
Set wsInput = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Input")
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = Workbooks.Open("C:\Youtube\Current\VBA_Masterclass\Demo\Marks.xlsx")
With wb.Sheets("Sheet1")
.Range("A1").Value = wsInput.Range("D2").Value
.Range("B1").Value = wsInput.Range("D3").Value
.Range("C1").Value = wsInput.Range("D4").Value
.Range("D1").Value = wsInput.Range("D5").Value
.Range("E1").Value = wsInput.Range("A8").Value
.Range("F1").Value = wsInput.Range("B8").Value
.Range("G1").Value = wsInput.Range("C8").Value
.Range("H1").Value = wsInput.Range("D8").Value
End With
wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub
Referencing New Objects
Sub GroceryCollection()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Grocery List")
Dim collGrocery As Collection
Set collGrocery = New Collection
collGrocery.Add ws.Range("A1").Value
collGrocery.Add ws.Range("A2").Value
collGrocery.Add ws.Range("A3").Value
End Sub
Using Dim and New
Sub GroceryCollection()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Grocery List")
' Dim collGrocery As Collection
' Set collGrocery = New Collection
Dim collGrocery As New Collection
collGrocery.Add ws.Range("A1").Value
collGrocery.Add ws.Range("A2").Value
collGrocery.Add ws.Range("A3").Value
End Sub
All About Nothing
Const Folder_Path As String = "C:\Youtube\Current\VBA_Masterclass\Demo\Dict Example\"
Sub Populate_All_Marks()
Dim strFile As String
strFile = Dir(Folder_Path & "*.xlsx")
Dim wsAllMarks As Worksheet
Set wsAllMarks = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("All_Marks")
wsAllMarks.Rows("2:" & wsAllMarks.Rows.Count).ClearContents
'Declare Variables as Workbook and Dictionary Objects
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim dict As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim strFirstName As String, strLastName As String
Dim lrow
Do While strFile <> ""
'Assign the Workbook Object by opening the file
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Folder_Path & strFile)
'Create a new instance of a dictionary
Set dict = New Scripting.Dictionary
strFirstName = wb.Sheets(1).Range("D2").Value
strLastName = wb.Sheets(1).Range("D3").Value
dict.Add "Name", strFirstName & " " & strLastName
dict.Add "Total Marks", Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(wb.Sheets(1).Range("A8:D8"))
lrow = wsAllMarks.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + 1
wsAllMarks.Range("A" & lrow).Value = dict("Name")
wsAllMarks.Range("B" & lrow).Value = dict("Total Marks")
wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
strFile = Dir
'Release the Workbook and Dictionary Object Variables
Set wb = Nothing
Set dict = Nothing
End Sub
Sub CheckIfNothing()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Grocery List")
'Dim collGrocery As Collection
Dim collGrocery As New Collection
If ws.Range("A1").Value <> "" Then
'Set collGrocery = New Collection
collGrocery.Add ws.Range("A1").Value
collGrocery.Add ws.Range("A2").Value
collGrocery.Add ws.Range("A3").Value
End If
If Not collGrocery Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Your grocery list has been filled."
End If
End Sub