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Variables || Excel VBA Master Class || 3.1
Note: This webpage is designed to accompany the Youtube video posted above. The video offers detailed explanation on all topics; while this webpage will serve as a repository for the code presented in the video. Source code will be presented in the order of the sections within the video.
Practical Introduction
' Without Variables
Sub VariablesTheory()
If ThisWorkbook.Sheets("HomeLoan").Range("E6").Value > 500 Then
Debug.Print ThisWorkbook.Sheets("HomeLoan").Range("C6").Value & " has been approved a home loan."
End If
End Sub
'With Variables
Const CreditApprovalLimit As Integer = 500
Sub VariablesTheory()
Dim CustomerName As String, CreditScore As Integer
Dim PreferredName As String
Dim wsHomeLoan As Worksheet
Set wsHomeLoan = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("HomeLoan")
CustomerName = wsHomeLoan.Range("C6").Value
CreditScore = wsHomeLoan.Range("E6").Value
PreferredName = wsHomeLoan.Range("C7").Value
If PreferredName <> "" Then
CustomerName = PreferredName
End If
If CreditScore > CreditApprovalLimit Then
Debug.Print CustomerName & " has been approved a home loan."
End If
End Sub
Creating Variables
Sub Variables_Theory()
Dim productName As String
productName = "Chocolate Muffin"
Debug.Print productName
End Sub
Property 1: Name
Property 2: Type
Sub DetermineRows()
Dim lastRow As ?
lastRow = wsSales.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
Debug.Print lastRow
End Sub
Property 3: Value
Property 4: Scope
Private lastRow As Long
Sub FindLastRow()
lastRow = wsSales.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
End Sub
Sub PrintLastRow()
Debug.Print lastRow
End Sub