Working with Booleans || Excel VBA Master Class || 3.4c

Note: This webpage is designed to accompany the Youtube video posted above. The video offers detailed explanation on all topics; while this webpage will serve as a repository for the code presented in the video. Source code will be presented in the order of the sections within the video.


True/ False vs Numbers & Strings

Sub BooleanTheory()

    Dim num1 As Long, num2 As Long
    num1 = 1
    num2 = 0
    Debug.Print CBool(num2)
End Sub

Sub BooleanTheory()

    Dim bState As Boolean
    bState = True
    Debug.Print CLng(bState)
End Sub

Sub BooleanTheory()

    Dim num1 As Long, num2 As Long
    num1 = 1
    num2 = 0
    If Not (num1 = num2) Then
        Debug.Print "Both numbers are not equal"
    End If
End Sub

   'Validate Details
   Dim bMissingInput As Boolean
    If custName = "" Or custEmail = "" Then bMissingInput = True
    If bMissingInput = True Then
        MsgBox "Please enter all input values"
        Exit Sub
    End If

Importance Of Boolean

Sub FormSubmission()
    Dim custName As Variant, custEmail As Variant
    'Grab Details
    custName = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Input").Range("B4").Value
    custEmail = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Input").Range("B6").Value
   'Validate Details
    If IsDataMissing(custName, custEmail) = True Then
        MsgBox "Please enter all input values"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    'Paste Details
    Dim lrow As Long
    lrow = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Output").Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + 1
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Output").Range("A" & lrow).Value = custName
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Output").Range("B" & lrow).Value = custEmail
    'Display Confirmation Message
    MsgBox "Thank you for submitting your details."
End Sub

Function IsDataMissing(fCustName As Variant, fCustEmail As Variant) As Boolean
    If IsEmpty(fCustName) Or IsEmpty(fCustEmail) Then
        IsDataMissing = True
        IsDataMissing = False
    End If
End Function